Mississippi Department of Marine Resources and Mississippi Gulf Fishing Banks, Inc.



Tidelands Inshore Artificial Reef Activity Report for September 12th to October 10th 2002


During this time period, there were 9 reefs enhanced or created utilizing limestone in Harrison, Hancock and Jackson Counties, and the start of the construction of Square Handkerchief Key.  To date 16 of the 24 nearshore reefs have been enhanced or constructed.  


East Deer Island Reef.

Matthews Marine and Department of Marine Resources (DMR) personnel met at the East Deer Island Reef Site.  Buoys were placed to mark the deployment area.  The deployment method used by the contractor was to spud the deck barge on the port bow and swing it in a circular motion to disperse the material evenly in the permitted area.  This method will be used for all of the inshore deployments of limestone.   Approximately 180 cubic yards of limestone were deployed at this site.  The material was centered around 30 22.985/88 49.867.  The surrounding water depth ranges from 5 to 6 feet.


North Deer Island Reef Site.

Approximately 380 cubic yards of limestone was deployed in this site.  The material was centered around 30 22.560/88 49.924 and 30 22.569/88 49.991.  The surrounding water depth ranges from 6 to 8 feet.


Bellefontaine Reef Site.

Approximately 950 cubic yards of limestone was deployed in this site.  The material was centered around 30 19.503/88 43.072, 30 19.503/88 43.036, 30 19.458/88 43.073.  The surrounding water depth ranges from 6 to 7 feet.




Moses Pier Reef Site.

Approximately 560 cubic yards of limestone was deployed in this site.  The material was deposited parallel with the end of the pier within casting distance.  The surrounding water depth ranges from 7 to 8 feet.




Central Ave. Reef Site.

Approximately 560 cubic yards of limestone was deployed in this site.  The material was centered around 30 20.930/89 07.151, 30 20.892/89 07.175 and 30 20.918/89 07.213.  The surrounding water depth ranges from 5 to 6 feet.


Joe Thornton Hull Reef Site.

Approximately 380 cubic yards of limestone was deployed in this site.  The material was centered around 30 23.205/88 51.627, 30 23.192/88 51.603.  The surrounding water depth ranges from 6 to 7 feet. 









Ulman Ave Pier Reef Site.

Approximately 380 cubic yards of limestone was deployed in this site.  The material was deposited parallel with the end of the pier within casting distance.  The surrounding water depth ranges from 7 to 8 feet.




American Legion Pier Reef Site.

Approximately 380 cubic yards of limestone was deployed in this site.  The material was deposited parallel with the end of the pier within casting distance.  The surrounding water depth ranges from 6 to 7 feet.



American Legion Launch Reef Site.

Approximately 380 cubic yards of limestone was deployed in this site.  The material was centered around 30 17.890/89 19.800 and 30 17.852/89 19.808.  The surrounding water depth ranges from 6 to 7 feet.




Square Handkerchief Key.

On Tuesday September 17, 2002 construction began on the Square Handkerchief Key.  As of October 10, 2002 the Key is approximately 100 feet in length and approximately 4 feet above mean high water.