Mississippi Gulf Fishing Banks, Inc.
1998/1999 Activities Summary
Funding for the 1998/1999 season were made available from Jackson and Harrison Counties ($25,000 each) and Tidelands Matching funds ($150,000). In cooperation with the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources, MGFB deployed 1500 cubic yards of #57 Limestone and 2700 cubic yards of concrete rubble at inshore reef sites, deployed 3,000 cubic yards of concrete rubble at offshore sites, sunk 1 barge offshore, and conducted 6 Dive monitoring trips. In addition, over 1200 cubic yards of concrete rubble was donated and delivered onsite by Mississippi Power Company at Inshore reef sites off Round and Horn Islands. The fiscal year ran from July 1, 1998 thru June 30, 1999; However, high winds during the month of June 1999 pushed some of the construction work scheduled for June into July and early August. The activities are summarized below, and more detailed information can be obtained on the web at http://rsca.mgfb.org/mgfb/Reports/
7-25-98 Dive Monitoring of Ladnier Barge 970623, 205F13 & Rubble 960828, 165F13.
8-08-98 Deployed 500 cubic yards of #57 Limestone off Courthouse Road Pier, 980808, 210CRP.
30°22.387' 89°02.544' 12135.6 47102.8 29386.6.
8-12-98 Deployed 500 cubic yards of #57 Limestone off Naval Hospital, 980812, 211NH.
30°22.240' 89°03.165' 12129.1 47102.1 29379.5.
8-13-98 Sunk Callon Skimmer Barge 980813, 212F1.
30°03.756' 88°36.799' 12404.3 47037.7-8
8-14-98 Deployed 500 cubic yards of #57 Limestone off Long Beach Harbor, 980814, 213LBH.
30°20.592' 89°07.872' 12080.5 47095.3-4 29326.0-1
8-18-98 Deployed 500 cubic yards of concrete rubble off Waveland Pier, 980818, 214WAV.
30°16.88' 89°21.88' W
8-20-98 Deployed 500 cubic yards of concrete rubble off Deer Island Keesler Site, 980820, 215DI.
30°21.780' 88°52.927' 30°21.788' 88°52.942'
8-23-98 Deployed 500 cubic yards of concrete rubble off Deer Island Keesler Site, 980823, 216DI.
30°21.846' 88°52.916' 30°21.857' 88°52.924'
10-15-98 Pre-Storm/Post-Storm Dive Monitoring comparisons at the Ladnier Barge, 970623, 205F13.
10-30-98 Dive Monitoring attempt at the Jackson County Barge, 950811, 149F2.
11-29-98 Post-Storm Material location verification trip to FH-12 & FH-1.
1-12-99 Post-Storm Dive Monitoring of concrete rubble 960828, 165F13.
4-20-99 Deployed 300 cubic yards of rubble at Horn Island FH-10 Site, 990420, 217F10.
30°15.96' 88°38.95' 12381.9 47085.3 29601.3
4-22-99 Deployed 300 cubic yards of rubble at Round Island Reef Site, 990422, 218RI.
30°17.22' 88°35.55' 12417.2 47090.7 29640.4
4-29-99 Deployed 300 cubic yards of rubble at Round Island Reef Site, 990429, 219RI.
30°17.827' 88°35.922' 12413.5 47092.7 29639.3
5-1-99 Deployed 300 cubic yards of rubble at Round Island Reef Site, 990501, 220RI.
30°17.710' 88°35.926' 12413.4 47092.4 29638.8
6-4-99 Dive Monitoring attempt to FH-7 Rigs to Reef site.
7-1-99 Deployed 500 cubic yards of rubble at Bill Walker FH-2 Site, 990701, 221F2.
30° 05.110' 88°34.620' 12426.3 47043.4 29601.3
7-7-99 Dive Monitoring of newly placed rubble 990701, 221F2.
7-8-99 Deployed 500 cubic yards of rubble at Bill Walker FH-2 Site, 990708, 222F2.
30° 05.010' 88°33.009' 12442.7 47043.2 29617.3
7-9-99 Deployed 500 cubic yards of rubble at Bill Walker FH-2 Site, 990709, 223F2.
30° 05.251' 88°34.474' 12427.7 47044.1 29603.4
7-16-99 Deployed 500 cubic yards of rubble at Bill Walker FH-2 Site, 990716, 224F2.
30° 05.348' 88°34.241' 12430.2 47044.4 29606.3
7-28-99 Deployed 500 cubic yards of rubble at Bill Walker FH-2 Site, 990728, 225F2.
30° 04.976' 88°32.901' 12443.8 47043.1 29618.3
8-5-99 Deployed 500 cubic yards of rubble at Bill Walker FH-2 Site, 990805, 228F2.
30° 05.325' 88°33.486' 12437.8 47044.4 29613.7